
Showing posts with the label apply for refugee in canada

How to apply for asylum in Canada

  You want to apply for asylum or refugee protection in Canada? Although Canada is not the largest recipient of refugee or political asylum applicants at the international level, it is the country that approves refugee applications in the world; it approved more than 43,000 refugee applications last year and is expected to receive more than 60,000 applications by the end of 2023.   Where to start the application for the refugee process in Canada? Depending on the place where the applicants are located at the time they are applying, and can be: At an official Canadian port of entry, border post or airport. Upon arriving there, the person can request refuge or asylum. Within Canada: at an immigration office or at one of Canada's Border Services Agencies. Outside Canada: asylum requests and cases to be evaluated are channeled through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and private humanitarian aid organizations in agreement with the Canad...